
第37届法国贝尔克国际风筝节揭幕 中国担任主宾国

第八屆商業新聞獎頒獎 表揚卓越商業新聞從業員


讴歌英雄人物、颂扬社会贤才 傅通先散文集《西湖贤杰》正式出版

东南亚华侨华人欢庆泼水节 入乡随俗迎新祈福

Working people in Xinjiang enjoy labor rights: official

发布时间:   来源: Xinhua

Workers of all ethnic groups in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region enjoy the right to choose their own occupation voluntarily, a spokesperson for the regional government said Friday.

"Xinjiang follows the relevant conventions and initiatives of the International Labour Organization, strictly implements national laws, and strives to ensure that workers of all ethnic groups work on the premise of freedom," said Xu Guixiang at a press conference held in Beijing.

Due to harsh natural conditions and low-level economic development, there was a serious surplus of rural labor in southern Xinjiang in the past, Xu said. "Therefore, rural residents in southern Xinjiang had difficulties hunting for jobs," he said.

Over the years, governments at all levels in Xinjiang have strived to help the poor shake off poverty by helping them find jobs in other places, Xu noted.

"This is not 'forced labor'," Xu said, adding that people are free to decide wether they want to leave their homes, where they are going, and what jobs they like." The governments only act as servants, providing assistance to people," he said.

With incomes from their new jobs, many people have bought houses and cars, and earned the funds to start businesses, Xu noted. "The government will strive to improve its services to people of all ethnic groups, and help them find suitable jobs and live a better life," he added.

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