
第37届法国贝尔克国际风筝节揭幕 中国担任主宾国

第八屆商業新聞獎頒獎 表揚卓越商業新聞從業員


讴歌英雄人物、颂扬社会贤才 傅通先散文集《西湖贤杰》正式出版

东南亚华侨华人欢庆泼水节 入乡随俗迎新祈福

China to resume issuance of port visas for South Korean citizens

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(ECNS) -- Chinese immigration authorities will resume issuing port visas and 72/144 hour visa-free transit policy for South Korean citizens on Saturday, said the National Immigration Administration in a statement on Wednesday.

The Chinese Embassy to Seoul announced on Wednesday that the embassy and consulate general in South Korea will resume the issuance of short-term visas for South Korean citizens starting Feb. 18.

South Korea resumed the issuance of short-term visas for Chinese citizens on Feb. 11.

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